Thursday, 2 October 2014

Spiritual Heart.

August 13 I woke to my Facebook news feed filled with photos of burning houses and buildings. Our friends Ron and Carol, who tirelessly work towards achieving a sense of equality for women in places such as Nepal lost there rainbow house. All their stock for resale lovingly made by the women they are helping, gone. The donations that were given in order to help raise funds towards their trips, a school they are building and also to help women escape forced marriages.    ( )

The same night another terrible tragedy occurred. This time it wasn't a family home but a business and a museum. It was in the heart of Nimbin.

Rick and I began our Nimbin journey in late January this year. We were travelling back from our over night camping trip on the Sandon River, we had never been to Nimbin, we wanted to see if the hype was worth all the gossip. Was it true that people offered you pot on every street corner, was it true people would openly smoke pot everywhere and you came away with a slight feeling of passive smoking. Was Nimbin filled with "dirty hippies"? We didn't know, we'd never been there, we'd never ventured there.

And so we decided to drive through the town on the way home. We weren't in a hurry but wanted to get there quick. Parking wasn't so easy to get, and as the town proper is quite small, we drove around several times before deciding where to park. Of course by this time Rick and I were starving, not having eaten breakfast, as that would have involved cooking at the campsite, and it was nearly 11am. We walked past a few different cafe's and food places, but we decided that the Rainbow Cafe. We walked through and ordered, took our seats at a table outside.

I think that's when I started to fall in love with the town.

The outdoor eating area was just so reminiscent of being home in the Philippines. There were roosters and chickens scratching in the garden, uneven paving, garden beds that weren't erected with the ideal of perfection. The food from the cafe was amazing too! I just wanted more, but couldn't fit anything else in, Rick had to finish what I couldn't.

We went for a walk around the town and felt so at home. The answer to the questions and rumours is YES! We were both offered some pot to purchase by several people, and some of them offered it to us more than once. There were people who were smoking it openly. There were "dirty hippies" everywhere. Although the lack of hippie combi vans was a little disappointing. 

I had to take a picture of the sign, Nimbin Community centre. 

I wanted to find out about the markets, see if they'd let out of townners/ non-locals have a stall. The answer is yes! 

Saturday, 5 April 2014


Today while driving through Dayboro and Mount Pleasant, I spotted a feather by the side of the road. I got Rick to turn around and stop beside it so I could pick it up. I just messaged a friend, asking her what sort of feather have I found and what are the possible spiritual meanings for me.

I think I need to listen to what the guides, elementals and angels are telling me! I don't like to be grounded! I understand the need to be grounded, but I love being óff with the faeries"! As this feather is from a pheasant, which is a bird that doesn't fly,  I think some forces out there are telling me to learn to ground myself.

I know I've resisted, but I do occasionally have this attraction to crystals, such as amber, which is a grounding stone. Sometimes I feel like just running around a park barefoot enjoying the sensation of the grass, which is another grounding activity.

I think with these, not so subtle signs, I need learn to accept what they are telling me or trying to tell me. I think it's a lesson for all of us.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

No more waiting.

The movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty has opened my eyes and made me realise that I have accepted the limits that other people have restricted me to. Tonight I received bad news, one of my aunties in the Philippines had passed away this morning. I had dreamt about being back home, even though I hadn't slept much last night. I must visited her to say good bye. I had predicted, unfortunately with some accuracy, that something bad was going to happen to her in 18months to 2 years time, and now it has happened.

My auntie died of complications related to diabetes, hypoxia, which is caused by the heart having it's reduced function due to diabetes. I have heart failure, I have type 2 diabetes. I am very scared. I AM NOT GOING TO DIE LIKE THAT!

This event and this movie are motivating me to get off my arse and get out and live this life I have been given. I'm going to do treks, going to savour the flavours of food instead of just quickly gobble it down without any thought. I have already started making the changes, my body feels it. I am using shungite to help regulate my cravings, as it prevents me from being able to crave or even eat unhealthy food.

Thank you Tita Bebe for your gift, I shall miss you, but I know we shall see each other again one day.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Believe harder, get up more times than you fall!

I've just discovered this amazing video, I hope it goes viral!

I was told, approximately 18 months ago, that there were going to be so many things that I can no longer do, an won't ever be able to experience, because medical science has collected statistics that say I can't do things. What we need to know about doctors is that they are given medians in terms of recovery or out come of illness or injury to the body. There is no one set rule. They give the average. It's not that you're super human if you recover quicker, or super unhealthy if you take longer, it will depend on what your body has to fight off in the first place. Your body is individual, it can cope with different stresses in life, physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual! How your body reacts to these factors is quite different to how mind would react.

So all these cardiologists have told me that I can no longer do certain activities! My heart may not recover from my illness to the 100% use that I had before. They are surprised that I have been able to take to my medication so well. They were surprised that I was almost to where I was before the hospital stay. But now that's not good enough for me!

I want to be a million times better than what I have ever been.

I have never been a healthy person, never ate right, never truly exercised. I gave up on myself too often. But now, this video has lit a fire in my belly. I have started slowly changing the way I eat, small steps, cutting out some foods or reducing my intake of them. I know I have relapses back into eating simple take away! But I don't punish myself. I just recover and decide that the next meal should be something that I enjoy but greener!

I have learnt that in any stages of change, there's always bound to be chances of relapse! Relapse doesn't mean you have failed! Failure will only happen if you never get up and try again, maybe not straight away, but ever! Relapse just means that you've taken a short detour but the end destination is still the same, your journey may have just taken a little bit longer than others on a similar path. Enjoy your journey no matter how many detours you have.

Now I've come to this impasse! Do I stay to course which is leading me to early death, according to the doctors, where limitations and hardships and life seems to have the cream skimmed off the top, so that I can live in a lack lustre longevity, or do I follow what I feel is right, follow what my gut has been saying all along!

I'm going with my gut and just persevering!