The movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty has opened my eyes and made me realise that I have accepted the limits that other people have restricted me to. Tonight I received bad news, one of my aunties in the Philippines had passed away this morning. I had dreamt about being back home, even though I hadn't slept much last night. I must visited her to say good bye. I had predicted, unfortunately with some accuracy, that something bad was going to happen to her in 18months to 2 years time, and now it has happened.
My auntie died of complications related to diabetes, hypoxia, which is caused by the heart having it's reduced function due to diabetes. I have heart failure, I have type 2 diabetes. I am very scared. I AM NOT GOING TO DIE LIKE THAT!
This event and this movie are motivating me to get off my arse and get out and live this life I have been given. I'm going to do treks, going to savour the flavours of food instead of just quickly gobble it down without any thought. I have already started making the changes, my body feels it. I am using shungite to help regulate my cravings, as it prevents me from being able to crave or even eat unhealthy food.
Thank you Tita Bebe for your gift, I shall miss you, but I know we shall see each other again one day.