I've been getting dirty! My fingers nails are in need of being trimmed as they willing hold on to all the dirt possible, my clothes are filthy. My feet look like I've been trekking some wild jungles. I've been gardening!
The last few weeks has reawakened my passion for all things dirty, green, edible and pretties! I love getting in the dirt and pulling out the weeds, getting rid of this pesky wild asparagus that the previous owners planted. It has gone feral and incredibly hard to get rid of. In some areas it has become a noxious weed. I'm anti-asparagus plant, but the eating ones from the shops I'm happy to accept. I know farmers have the skills to keep it under control, unlike myself.
So the point....what's this got to do with spirituality? A lot! When you have a resurgence of passion for something you used to enjoy, it's like a rebirth of your mind. My body has been all achy, my hands are sore from yankinng on stubborn weeds, but at the end of the day I feel like I've achieved more than I did the previous day.
There's a sense of instant gratification, and slow burn at the same time. You prepare your garden bed then put in your plants, the initial instant gratification puts a smile on your face, then the plants take hold and mature and you're even more happy. There's a sense of oneness when you've allowed natural to infiltrate your being.
Now I've created a small pocket of change, I'm hoping it will forever continue. I have so many ideas that I would like to see come true. Start something today that you will be happy with and if you're not happy, just start again.