Two years ago, Ricky and I had some life changing events drastically change our financial circumstances. We scrambled and decided to get back to attending markets selling crystals, offering readings and healing and creating our handmade crystal jewellery. This journey has been insane. There's been so many changes in the last two years. We've changed direction, we've had to leave people behind and we've also had to re-assess our place and future plans.
Before the wind
knocked the stands over |
This weekend, we attended the O'Heart Festival in Tyalgym, New South Wales. We've come full circle. It was our first event back into the market scene back in 2016. The event itself has grown so much in the two years since we last attended. The crowds were bigger, the market place was more vibrant and acts were amazing, including the impromptu drumming circle on the market lawn.
The morning began with us being late to bump in. We hadn't finished making our new stands, we both were in the mindset of, "It'll be quick to put in a screw and add the string!" We were wrong! The final touches took way longer than what we had anticipated. They were a pain to make and because of the wind, I doubt they'll be very useful in the future. So there we were, desperately setting up, my anxiety and panic building, the public were turning up for the opening Bell Ceremony which officially opened the festival, and we had barely organised any of our stall.
Instagram worthy snaps |
Eventually though we did get our jewellery and crystals out for the wonderful winter sun to energise and warm up. The morning was a little bit slow, so was the wind. As peoples hunger grew, so did the crowds. We had rushes of customers, admiring our work, the craftsmanship of Ricky's wire wrap, the designs of the macrame, as well as the colours and beauty of our crystals. The sun played so well with the colours of the labradorite, the patterns of each stone, the intricacy of the wire within the jewellery. I felt the breezes building as the sun grew higher and the people gathered.
Enjoying the Winter sun |
Being Ekka time, it means we have gusty winds. There were marquees that had blown over due to not being weighted or pegged down, a paranoia of mine for health and safety reasons, and possibly some remnants of my time as a manager, to have the marquee secured with weights and and pegs. It was a good thing we had. Ricky and I both clung to the arms of the marquee when a big gust would sweep in and seemed to attempt to lift the entire market off the grounds. Those who hadn't secured their structures felt the brunt of the gusts having their stalls tumble over, marquee, tables and all.
The natural amphitheatre within
the market grounds filled with festival goers. |
Luckily, there wasn't another incident during the weekend, although we continued to cling on the arms like hanging chimpanzees hanging off the jungle branches.
Our jewellery was welcomed so warmly. It is always a surprise for me when people have such admiration for my work. I've never seen it as being any different from other Macrame artists, nor do I feel that it's more advanced in technique. I enjoy creating, I enjoy the creativity it affords me while being able to bring in an income.
A customer came in and became very excited with quite a few pieces, I assumed she was going to try them on, look in the mirror and make her choice once she's had a look. She bought it all, 5 pieces, wire wrap and macrame. It was a great feeling to know that people loved and appreciated the work we had put into each piece.

The second day of the festival was gustier, busier and cooler. The vibe was not killed at all by the chill that had built up in the morning. Ricky had to dash home, when I say dash I mean one and half hours there and another one and half hours back to pick up a customers cabochon that I had left behind. We had intended on bringing and keeping Gucci with us at the festival, but she was not behaving like a good fur child. So Ricky took her back home with him. I was there all morning on my own. I felt my anxiety wanting to creep in and take over, instead of letting it win, I decided to just let the chilled atmosphere wash over me, I opened up to the sunshine and talked to people. I pushed away that creeping panic and enjoyed the moment. I won that small battle.
The energy of the festival was electric! |
The markets were set to end at lunch, 12pm, however I was refusing to pack up, people were still coming in droves, they were only really coming in at lunch after having a wander through the town. The drumming began just after a few stalls had packed up which was quite fortuitous for me as it meant I had the perfect view of the performers with their dancing, and unique acrobatics.
Kriya Luna |
Around 2pm Ricky got back. He looked exhausted and tired, but he soon regained his energy when he had a wander around and let the ambience wash over his body and mind.
It had to come to an end eventually, with the drumming slowing down and the visitors of Tyalgum wandering away to the next venue, just outside town to end the festival. We packed the car up with our stall and made our way home.
We felt amazing! Our journey had taken 2 years to come full circle back to the first event we started with in 2016.
The wonderfully talented Kirra from Osiris Jewellery |
This Unicorn helped to raise fund for a palliative care facility within the area. |
Impromtu performances |