Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Starting a new venture.

Rick and I are going to try and start a small business from home. It's been something that we've wanted to do for a while now, but we weren't sure what we were gonna do. Since being away for the last 4 months gave me plenty of time to think about how the whole Spiritual Consultants business, was gonna work, then Rick and I discussed what we wanted, and now we're confident enough to slowly start.

For the last 4 months, while I was overseas and when I got back, I've been thinking about concepts for the business, the colours that I want to use for the logos etc. There were a few things that I was able to work on while I was in the Philippines, the first thing was the page on facebook ( ) that started helping spread the word with our friends and family and slowly go beyond our circle of people. Now the harder stuff begins, after the brain storming, the concepts, choosing the name etc, we have to become official.

Registering names, ABN's, insurances and all of that stuff was supposed to the first few things I would be doing, as soon as I got back. But then the reality of the situation hit when Rick drove us up the drive way for the first time that Tuesday afternoon. The grass was taller than the fence posts, there was rubbish everywhere. The grass was no only tall but underneath , the ground was wet and swampy, no where near in fit condition for people to sit on during the group sessions, so for the mean time they've been cancelled. Inside the house was a total mess, the cats had claimed everything for themselves. The laundry was/is piled up so high that it's still not done, only because the washing line broke, 3 weeks after I had left and still hadn't been fixed.

So my mission for the time being would be to clean and tidy up the place to make it fit for the habitation of just 2 humans, myself and Rick. Slowly, slowly, ever so so so slowly, the grass is being tamed, the inside of the house is being rearranged, and we're making it fit to be visited by friends, not fit for clients yet.

Soon when things are a little more liveable and easier to get around, I'll be registering the name, registering as a business once again and changing my insurance for starters. Then I know I'll feel like a business owner. Then the real headaches begin!


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