Sunday, 22 July 2012

Within your own power.

We have given so much power to people who reinforce our own negative way of thinking. We need to realise at it's our own self judgement and fear that has allowed these outter voices to become inner voices of self hate. We need to stop hating ourselves and love and heal from within. We are all empty vessels that have been slowly filled with ideologies that we have taken on as our own, they become our negative mantra that breaks down our self respect, self love.

Now take the time to sit, meditate and let go of those fears. Words often told to us but without instruction, we sit in the same place not knowing what to do. If you're a writer, then write down your emotions, if your a blogger blog about your emotions, if your a talker talk about your emotions, if your a psychical person then work it out through your your movements. Do what is comfortable for you.

Meditation isn't just about sitting down listening to new age music and closing your eyes trying to figure out what to do. Meditation can be just sitting outside gardening, connecting with the greater life force that creates the plants, animals and elements. It can be just sitting in a park, yes with your eyes closed, and just enjoy the fresh air and calm of the trees, grass and earth around you.

Turning away from negative thought patterns may be a little difficult at first, but it's only because we are turning away from a lifetime of training to be negative to look at things from a negative perspective. If you learning to change just one thought pattern and follow through by adding one new positive affirmation to replace that negative thought, then you will see positive changes in your life.

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