Tuesday, 24 March 2015


(*Disclaimer: I am have not received training, nor do I claim to be an expert in any field. These are my opinions for the sake of entertainment value. All medical concerns need to be addressed by a medical professional.)

There's been a big push lately to follow "healthy" trends created by cancer survivors, medical miracles, celebrity chefs, healthy guru's, most have little or no valid qualifications to back up their theories of healthy eating, according to their diet preferences. I am not one to boast about knowing what is good for me and following what the doctor has advised me to do. I do know the basics of what makes me feel ill, what makes me feel good, what I should be eating, what I shouldn't be eating, I know about portion control, it's the control part I don't like, I know about healthy cooking, all in theory! That doesn't make me an expert, know it all, I should right a book and tell everyone that it's the way to go! Far from it.

In reality I am the worst candidate for this. But in the light of the Belle Gibson story breaking (http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/diet-and-fitness/belle-gibson-and-the-whole-pantry-app-lessons-from-a-liar-20150319-1m25dh.html ) as well as the wake of boisterous rejection of Pete Evans paleo baby book ( http://www.smh.com.au/national/pete-evans-paleo-book-for-babies-dumped-20150316-1m0805.html), I think something needs to be said about societies need to have a savior. Yes it helps to have someone to inspire us to a healthy way of living. There are some people that take this obsession way to far.

Eating disorders cover a variety of body image related diseases. Having suffered from bulimia and having had recent lapses, it's a behavior that is hard to shift away from. I am self diagnosed with bulimia, but I didn't need a doctor to tell me that it wasn't right to be throwing up your meals after binge eating. Vanity slowly helped me stop this destructive behaviour, as I read that stomach acids have a good habit of destroying the enamel in your teeth and can cause them to rot. So I thought I love my smile more than being sick, so I slowly gave it up, took a few years to do so. But my teeth haven't escaped unharmed.

I was always a bigger girl, or so I was told by my family; however looking back at photos I don't believe I was anywhere near the size I was told I was. I was told if I only lost a little bit of weight, boys would like me, I could fit into nicer clothes ( I was shamed into wearing clothes for men as I didn't think womens clothes would be flattering on me). It was just my immediate family, it was also my extended family. I would be bribed by my cousin who promised to give me $50, when I was in my early teens, if I was able to lose 10kg.

When I was 19 I lost 30kg, not from proper dieting, but mostly from my bulimic behaviour and a new medication a specialist gave me, but it was more so from the grief induced bulimia. I didn't want to deal with what was happening in my life and it felt like I could control my life by controlling what stayed in my body. It only took 3-6 months to lose the weight, I was happy, I was smaller than I had ever thought I could be.

The weight came back within 2 years.

Now I see people I know who have the want for a healthier lifestyle pushing themselves and their bodies beyond what they are capable of. There are girls who are obsessed with the super lean, clean eating lifestyle that their bodies no longer resemble female figures.

We are so ready to jump on trends that have been promoted on social media believing the hype. These people end up making their fortunes from misguided followers, who wait with bated breath for their next miracle cure.

The answer is hardly ever external, and no I'm not just advocating the spiritual mantra of "Look within!" here. If there is to be a permanent change, the answer often lies in a change in perception, yea, looking within, but on more than one level. You need to see if there are any underlying mental disorders, eating disorders, any physical reasons why weight refuses to be put on or come off, if there are any hang ups that causes you to come to a screeching halt every time you achieve some sort of milestone. Always seek professional help! Go to a GP, contact a dietitian, a nutritionist, a naturopath, acupuncturist. Seek help from those who have been trained to help you.

And if all that fails! LOVE YOURSELF AS YOU ARE! If you are overweight but have no medical issues that have been caused by your weight, then love yourself and forget what the world thinks. Your body is not a trend!

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