Saturday 5 April 2014


Today while driving through Dayboro and Mount Pleasant, I spotted a feather by the side of the road. I got Rick to turn around and stop beside it so I could pick it up. I just messaged a friend, asking her what sort of feather have I found and what are the possible spiritual meanings for me.

I think I need to listen to what the guides, elementals and angels are telling me! I don't like to be grounded! I understand the need to be grounded, but I love being óff with the faeries"! As this feather is from a pheasant, which is a bird that doesn't fly,  I think some forces out there are telling me to learn to ground myself.

I know I've resisted, but I do occasionally have this attraction to crystals, such as amber, which is a grounding stone. Sometimes I feel like just running around a park barefoot enjoying the sensation of the grass, which is another grounding activity.

I think with these, not so subtle signs, I need learn to accept what they are telling me or trying to tell me. I think it's a lesson for all of us.